Terms of Sell
You may place an order by check or Zelle. Reserve your item by calling us at 617 513-4450 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Fees and Taxes:
- Paying by check? Notify us to reserve the item.
- All checks must clear before shipping. Checks may take up to 7 business days to clear.
- Paying with Zelle? Notify us to reserve the item.
- Call us at (617) 513-4450 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM EST to confirm payment processed.
Please remit check payments to:
PO BOX 123
Waban, Ma. 02468
- Massachusetts residence must add 6.25% Sales Tax on purchases under $1000.
- Free shipping on all U.S. orders. Insurance charges vary depending on the value.
- Prices and sells are subject to change. All items are subject to prior sells.
- Telephone purchase confirmation are held for five business days.